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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  September 13, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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that's it for us. "outfront" starts now. we're learning more about the filmmaker at the center of the rage. the progress of finding those responsible for the death of the ambassador to libya let's go "outfront." good evening i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight turmoil spreading. protesters rising up in at least nine middle eastern countries today their target the united
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states. this is cairo tonight. you're looking at pictures here as you can see flames, molotov cocktails, hundreds of angry protesters amassed outside of the american embassy. security forces fired tear gas and rubber bullets to hold them back. even canada out of caution closed their embassy in cairo. a photo cairo, it's a chalk drawing on the ground of a jewish star of david with the words, i'll translate, remember your black day september 11th within in arabic. and it is beyond cairo tonight. anti-u.s. demonstrators clashed in front of u.s. embassies, in israel, sudan, iraq, iran and among muslims in kashmir. there's a call in iran for nationwide rallies tomorrow. it appears to be a backlash at least in part from a low budget anti-islamic film which was made
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in the united states, first posted on youtube in july and recently publicized in the middle east. here's what we're also learning tonight. federal officials say the filmmaker's name is nakoula basseley nakoula. the fbi says the agent has spoken with him in the last 24 hours. that name is very important. much more on the film and why it matters later in the program. but the group loosely affiliated with al qaeda in libya that has been accused of playing a role in tuesday's deadly attack on the american consulate in benghazi has just issued a statement denying responsibility. it's an important thing to say given that they have quickly claimed responsibility for other attacks, including on american interests and on the red cross. libyan prime minister tells cnn at least one person has been arrested in conjunction with the killings of the american ambassador chris steven's and three embassy staff members. we have more information for you tonight about who those people are. glenn dougherty was a former
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navy s.e.a.l. working as a specialist in libya. sean smith was a state department computer expert. and, of course, chris steven's was the u.s. ambassador to libya. the fourth victim is another security officer who has not been publicly identified tonight. we have the first look inside the building where they died. these are pictures we just got today. they show heavy damage, burnt out rooms. that's the american consulate building in benghazi. we want to get straight to arwa damon. and ben wedeman in cairo. let me start with you. we're hearing that someone has been arrested in conjunction with the attacks. but one of the groups linked with al qaeda that's recently claimed responsibility for attacks on america and other interests said they had nothing to do with this one. is ansar al sharia brigade. what can you tell us? >> reporter: the brigade issued
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a statement saying they were not involved in the incident that took place, the assault on the consulate itself. but that statement is being met with pretty wide skepticism with the libyans we speak to and even the authorities themselves. there have been reports that there have been clashes breaking out between government forces, between some of the other extremist groups that have turned on ansar al sharia realizing what the short fallout of this horrific assault could potentially be. and this just really goes to underscore, erin, how many challenges this country faces. the fact that this very much a nation that is run by these militias, these armed groups that are effectively able to establish their own military training camps, that are able to operate with complete and utter impunity. the government has to rein them in and the government is fully
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aware right now it has to go after these individuals, hold those responsible for the horrific attack to justice and that it can begin to re-establish itself when it comes to its position in the global community. >> what can you tell us about the arrests in libya today, who that was. is there any more detail that you have? >> reporter: well, what the government is saying right now they've arrested one individual. they are not saying which particular group he was affiliated with. this is part of an ongoing investigation, joint investigation between the libya and u.s. governments. they were saying that they were pursuing a handful, four or five other individuals who they believe were affiliated with it as well. there's a number of others who could be responsible. was it an extremist group like ansar al sharia or one of many others. was this a pre-planned attack or a target of opportunity that presented itself or was it what began as a demonstration that
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somehow spiraled out of control, resulting, of course, in these devastating consequences. again, a lot of questions here on this night and a lot of people are going to be demanding answers from the libyan government, most certainly feeling the pressure at this point in time because it does have to prove itself not just to its own people but to the world. >> yes. ben what about in cairo. we showed pictures of hundreds of protesters outside of the u.s. embassy. teargas was fired, rubber bullets fired. i know you were there. what is happening -- what's the latest you've been seeing tonight? >> reporter: well what we've seen in the last hour or so the security forces have pushed the protesters back, back in the direction of tahrir square and back to the north. these clashes have been going on all day long. it's now 1:00 in the morning here in cairo. egyptian authorities say 200
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people have been wounded so far in these clashes today. now, of course, the country is bracing for more protesters tomorrow, friday the muslim day of prayer. the muslim brotherhood said it is organizing nationwide protests against this anti-islamic video clip that appeared on youtube but they stress that the protests will not take place anywhere near the american embassy and they say those protests will be strictly peaceful but the worry is, of course, that it's not the muslim brotherhood that's leading these protests but other more extreme islamist organizations who in their own way want to embarrass the muslim brotherhood-led government. >> i know there are so many theories, some conspiracies, some not who is responsible for what. we hear the shots behind you, ben and the pictures we've been showing. these live pictures of what's happening in cairo right now.
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ben, obviously, what we're looking at here right now, ben, obviously they say obama is guilty, obama is guilty, obama is guilty. tell us more about that man and some of the others who were expressing such anger. >> reporter: well many of the people i spoke with had no idea that the u.s. government has come out and expressed its disgust with this video clip that appeared on youtube, and there seems to be an unawareness
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about the fact that the united states government does not control every single thing that appears on the internet. so, seems to be one of the problems here is that there's just a lack of understanding of how the media operates in the united states and that the act of one individual is not the act of the government. now, one of the main concerns here among egyptians, particularly coptic christian egyptians is that there could be a backlash against them as a result of the act of this one, rather this film produced by this one man in the united states. >> yes. we're going to have much more on the coptic christian angle. i talked to some today. they were very afraid of what might happen. ben, before we let you go, just looking behind you, i know you're hearing the shots there and we were seeing the live picture of what's happening. can you tell us at all what you're hearing or able to see from where you are? >> reporter: actually we have a very good vantage point. we're right above one of the streets where many, much of these clashes are taking place.
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those loud pops you're hearing are actually fireworks being fired by the protesters in the direction of the police. the police responding with tear gas and rubber bullets at times. and like i said this has been going on now for well over 24 hours, and it doesn't -- even though the protesters have been pushed back, it doesn't appear that they are about to leave. >> ben, thank you very much. florida senator bill nelson is on the intelligence committee. he believes these protests are not spontaneous and says the violence in libya particularly bears the hallmarks of al qaeda. senator, thank you for taking the time. i know you heard that one of the groups that has claimed responsibility for attacks on the red cross and the u.s. in the past is denying taking part in this attack. our reporter on the ground is
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reporting whether this denial is true or not. are you confident that al qaeda or an al qaeda linked group like that one is responsible? >> i'm skeptical of their statement as well. let's make sure your viewers understand the protest in egypt is one thing. what was happening over the st couple of days in libya was you had these armed trucks with rpgs and weapons in these militias driving around. now, are they influenced and connected somehow to al qaeda in northern africa? that's what we're going to find out in the investigation. my particular suspicion is that there are some connections. >> and, so why is there -- you're in the intelligence committee so maybe you can help
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us get to the bottom of this because a u.s. intelligence official told us it's unlikely al qaeda was involved in the attack and groups may have used the protesters as a cover to stage the attack. you're more confident that al qaeda is involved. so why the divergence here? >> well, i don't think it's that much of a divergence. i think the situation on the ground is as i have described it. we know that al qaeda is making a push in northern africa. is there some connection, although this may not be a direct connection, this is what we're going to have to see in the investigation, but in the meantime we have the loss of life of americans and american property and our consulate. >> what will the united states do about it? obviously, we now know there are marines on the ground to protect u.s. interests. there are war ships now in the area.
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but this has spread to nine other countries. no one knows will it get bigger or die down. what will the u.s. do about it? >> i think exactly what you just said. we're going to protect americans. we're going to protect american interests. and that means in what you just reported the pre-positioning of security forces, all around to wherever we think there is a problem, to protect those americans and american interests and that's going on as we speak. >> do you feel frustration, though, as a lot of people seem to feel and surprise that in libya, a country that has been ruled and controlled in many ways by armed gangs since the death of moammar gadhafi, that our consulate did not seem to be fortified, that this was able to happen. were we caught flat footed? >> the short answer is no, we were not caught flat footed.
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when you have a u.s. facility such as an embassy or a consulate that is suddenly assaulted with, in some cases, heavy weapons, and those assaults are not being repelled by the host government and, remember, that's part of the problem here, is the libyan government is very weak, then you are bound to have something like this for people who have the intent to destroy and to kill. and that's what we're going to have to protect against in the future. >> all right. thank you very much, senator. appreciate you taking the time tonight. still "outfront" a fierce exchange on capitol hill over sending billions of dollars a year to egypt and libya. the man leading the fight to cut off the fund, senator rand paul "outfront" next. we make a simple thing.
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breaking news now. cnn has just learned the identity of the fourth person killed in tuesday's attack on the american consulate in benghazi, libya. tyrone woods, also died in the attack. woods was a former navy s.e.a.l.. what has happened in libya
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and in egypt and now in nine countries around the middle east has led to a standoff in washington. in the senate, republican senator rand paul trying to force a vote today on his measure to cut off aid to egypt, libya, and pakistan, which totals $4 billion a year. democratic leaders blocked paul's move. >> they know if they vote their position, which is to send your money to pakistan, and to egypt, and to libya that the american people won't like it. >> indicating aid to any of these countries right now in this fashion is not the way to honor of memory of an ambassador, chris stevens, who went there in great danger to help that country be free and have have an opportunity to have democracy. >> the exchange became much, much more testy. i spoke to senator paul about it and asked him why he wants to cut funding.
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>> i think until we have the assassins who killed our ambassador and until both countries libya and egypt can verify that they can provide support and protection for our embassies, i see no reason to keep sending them money. >> obviously you and john kerry had it out on this today. but john mccain also is on the other side of this. here's john mccain. >> if we turn our backs now on the millions of people in libya and egypt and syria and other countries across the middle east, people who share so many of our values and interests, people who are the true authors of the arab spring, we will hand our common enemies, the terrorists and extremists, the very victory that they seek. >> senator, what do you think about that? the libyan leadership apologized immediately. would we be handing terrorist, extremist as victory by pulling the funding back? >> think too many people misinterpret that you have to bribe people to be your friends or that your disengaging by not
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giving people money. we're pretty well engaged with england but we don't send any money to england. we're borrowing $50,000 a second. where is the money going to come from? often foreign aid is stolen by the leaders. mubarak probably stole billions of dollars. they secreted it away in swiss bank accounts. they had mansions around the world. most foreign aid is stolen and counter productive. >> senator, white house press secretary john carney was asked a question today about whether egypt is now an ally of the united states. president obama had said the country is not an ally nor it is an enemy and a lot of people asked what is he saying. press secretary said ally is a legal term of art. we do not have a mutual defense treaty like we do with our nato allies. >> that may be semantics. if you want to be an ally of
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america, act like it. >> i want to throw up the top five recipients of foreign aid. israel is number one, then afghanistan, pakistan, iraq and egypt. and our egyptian number is 1.6 billion. would you cut off to all these countries or just the ones you don't deem currently friends. i'm getting specific at israel the number one recipient of american aid in the world. >> what i would do is start with the countries who disrespect us and are not acting like allies. start with countries like egypt who can't even protect our embassy. do you know news reports said they called and said the mob is coming but then nobody did anything. in my budget, we took the $30 billion of foreign aid and made it down to 5 billion but we didn't specify who those are. but if we're going to have some foreign aid i would start out by giving it to those who are our allies. >> by that, israel? >> israel has always stood with us and there's no question. but really we have to reassess
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all money every where considering we're borrowing the money we send overseas. >> a final question about how this has played out politically. as you're well aware, mitt romney criticized the president very early on. his first statement after the attacks read and i know you're familiar with it. it's disgraceful the obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks. he's been criticized by many in the republican party for that statement. did he do the right thing or did he go too far? >> well, it was kind of the same as my first response also when i read that and people have said oh, look at the sequence of time when it came out. sort of a bad statement to come out when any embassy is under any kind of assault. we under you're angry. the president disavowed it. but it essentially came from an extended part of his administration so i think the first statement was a mistake. president obama has said it was
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a mistake. so by governor romney pointing out it was a mistake he now agrees with president obama. it's somewhat of people making a mountain out of a molehill now. >> you just did a very masterful spinning it to your point of view. thank you so much. good to see you always. >> thank you, erin. >> rand paul is not backing down but is mitt romney? or is he trying to refocus the conversation? his tone today seemed a little softer. >> as we watched the world today, sometimes it seems that we're at the mercy of events instead of shaping events. as strong as america's potential to shape events -- >> great to see all of you. it was a little bit of a toning down, not backed off of what he said. that's important to say. but he is shifting his rhetoric a bit. >> there's a very straightforward reason for that. when we focus not on the
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political back and forth but looking at what's happening you're looking at a chaotic situation. you have the president on one day saying egypt is not an ally, and the next day walking back. great deal of uncertainty. there are deep questions are we protect our diplomatic missions adequately and who was keeping their eye on the ball because this is a volatile region and that's something that everyone should have understood since the arab spring. there's an opportunity here. there's tremendous danger. >> john, one thing that does seem to be true is that the u.s. was taken by surprise by all of this. which i think a lot of people say look given the situation maybe you shouldn't have been taken as much surprise. >> the dynamics we know now, it sprung up from a film that everyone was unaware of created by an obscure studio in california, picked up by anti-islamists here in united
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states and amplified in the middle east, surreal partial. cautionary tale. ambassador stevens felt secure in benghazi. he did so much to secure and liberate that country. we were taken by surprise. should there have been more defenses obviously the answer is yes. the problem is the politicization. during the attack, and for him to say the obama administration was sympathiesing for those attacking the embassy. he was softening his tone. >> and jamal, i'm wondering there's something, ben weidmann at the top of the program was reporting and spoke to a protester who was i believe was impassioneding and said obama was guilty. then what ben weidmann said that protester is not aware that the united states had said this film was not okay and now i'm wondering, he said when he was aware, who knows what would change his point of view. the president backed off that
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statement the embassy put it off. should the president embrace it >> embrace it? >> should the president embrace a statement saying that a protest against a religion is not acceptable? >> well, if you look at what secretary clinton said today in her remarks she pretty much came out and said these things are not acceptable, we don't gee with the content of the video. to couple that statement you're president of the united states with a strong statement but we're not going to tolerate violence against our people or assets or nation because you're upset about a video. most people don't understand in the united states we do have freedom of press, people can say what they want and maybe in their countries they don't so it's hard for them to understand that freedom. to get back to mitt romney his statement was ill timed and ill-informed and he's digging himself out of this hole. that's why today he's softening it up a little bit because he has to get back to a place of statesmanship.
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>> we have to hit pause. when i was in care york i was lectured by person after person about the peace treaty with israel as if i could do go about it. there was not an understanding the distinction between individuals and the government. next for days we knew almost nothing about the person behind the film sparking worldwide outrage. ing tonight that has changed and in a very important way. ♪ ♪ wow... [ female announcer ] sometimes, all you need is the smooth, creamy taste of werther's original caramel to remind you that you're someone very special. ♪ now discover new caramel apple filled werther's original.
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new details emerging tonight about the filmmaker who made the anti-islamic movie that sparked violent protest across the middle east and north africa. federal authorities identified him as nakoula basseley nakoula. when we first told you about him last night he was using the name sam bacile and portraying himself as an israeli american. israel ministry said they have no record of sam bacile. he has a criminal past and is a coptic christian. miguel, what can you tell us, first of all about this man's criminal past. >> reporter: it's extensive. there's no doubt he doesn't want to we found.
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in 1991, he was convicted of misdemeanors, didn't serve any jail time for that. in 1997 he was convicted of intent to manufacture methamphetamine, the drug methamphetamine and he served a year in prison for that and in 2010 in an elaborate fraudulent scheme he served a year in federal prison, elaborate scheme where he would create false identities and then get money through those credit card convenience checks put them into fake bank accounts, withdraw the money and then walk away from it all. >> obviously adding more intrigue to this bizarre story. what do we know about him being an coptic christian and egyptian. crucial given this is a small and persecuted group in egypt. >> the big concern is that coptic christians in egypt and what might the reaction might be. this is a guy who we met an individual who knew him in long beach, california.
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everyone connected to nakoula basseley nakoula is running from this guy. he didn't want to go on camera but he didn't say he knew him from their coptic christian church. he was a shady guy. he used his address in order to send letters and credit cards so he could continue his fraud. he found out about it, called the cops, and nakoula basseley nakoula never heard from him again. >> miguel, thank you very much. as you can see he's out on the road getting answers to these questions that the whole country and whole world, in fact have had. but the question now, given that we now have a name is whether this filmmaker's background will create further backlash in the middle east. nicholas burns is a professor of international relations at harvard and former u.s. ambassador to nato. good to see you. let me ask you this crucial question as we're talking about
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nakoula basseley nakoula was a coptic christian and an egyptian. considering the history in egypt, there have been in the past two years many coptics leaving as a result of the arab spring and fear of persecution. there have been attacks on coptic christians. do you expect a backlash given that this man's identity has come out? >> hope not. you're right. the egyptian coptic community is quite large. the largest christian community in the middle east. about 10% of the egyptian population. they have been embattled. there have been anti-christian riots and actions against churches and christian and many coptic christians immigrated to the united states and other countries for safety and security. now that the identity of this person is known i certainly hope that there won't be a backlash but you can't discount that factor. because what we're seeing in egypt as well as libya and yemen is that these moderate governments, relatively moderate that have been elected are now being attacked by extremist forces who didn't win the election. they have hateful agendas.
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very aggressive. so they could possibly use something like this. i hope they won't but they could possibly use this to incite further violence. >> talking to coptics in egypt they are afraid. they are terrified about what might happen. tomorrow is a very important day. day of prayer. we already see these riots at american embassies and consulates in nine countries what could tomorrow bring? >> well, this has been a tragic week as you well know for the united states and we've had our embassies and consulates besieged by protesters and violence. tomorrow is mosque day. it's the day when muslims emerge from mosques. we see large scale demonstrations in the arab world. we have to rely on the governments of these arab countries to stand up and be counted to provide the best security for our embassy and in the case of egypt for the
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christian community there and to make sure that those governments are doing everything they can to protect our diplomatic establishment. under international law the vienna convention the egyptian government is responsible for the security of the american embassy and the libyan government responsible for the american consulate in benghazi. thank you very much. we appreciate your time. >> ahead on "outfront" the other major story of the day, the fed taking new action to try to jump start the economy, and a major reaction to that. and why is congressman barney frank fighting back with this. >> that i think is the spirit of uncle tom. you accept the injury as long as they are not insulting you. ♪
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when you open a new account or roll over an old 401(k). so who's in control now, mayans?
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well there is another story today. stocks surged thanks to the fed. ben bernanke surprised a market which was expecting him to take action to juice the economy by taking even bigger action to juice the economy. >> but what we're trying to convey here is that we're not going to be premature in removing policy accommodation. even after the economy starts to recover more quickly, even after the unemployment rate begins to move down more decisively we won't rush to begin to tighten policy. >> the fed says it's going to
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buy $40 billion a month in mortgage-backed securities and the goal is to push interest rates lower. ben bernanke said he'll keep interest rates low through mid-2015. the fed drug doesn't come cheap. the price tag is about $3 trillion. the question is it going to pay off? out outfront will look at the issue. jim good to see you. i know you knew they were is going to do something and they came out and did more. what's your thought? this was a home run or not? >> well, it depends on what side of the fence you sit on. this was a gigantic move by the fed because it's open ended. it can go on for years and we won't know when it end. if you're a took investor this is a home run four. the stock market was up big. big positive for it. if you're somebody looking for a
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job or looking to buy a house or looking for your house to go up in price the first couple rounds of quantitative easing the jury is out on whether it worked. i don't think did it. the ted differs with me. we'll see if this round of quantitative easing will produce jobs and higher home prices. >> the fear about the quantitative easing is it's going to create inflation and the fed said that's not a problem right now. so we have nothing to worry about. but many are worried about it. should they be? >> i think they should be. you've got to keep in mind the definition of inflation in 2012. the fed has said that they are targeted for inflation is 2%. if we saw inflation creep up to 3 that would be too much. we're not talking about the 1980s where we have to get to 15 or something along those lines, just 3%. that's possible we could see that down the road especially if the economy starts to recover and then the fed would have to reverse this and these big days
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in the stock market would become big down days in the stock market. >> for those invested in the stock market that would be bad. the stock market benefitted, the fed has benefitted some of the few and wealthier. one thing i want to ask you, jim, part of the reason ben bernanke has had to do this is because washington did not and i asked barney frank earlier today about the fed's decision and whether he felt it was as a result of he and congress's failure. here's what he said. >> so i agree this is a failure of congress. ben bernanke's credit he's not saying okay therefore i'm not going to do nothing. he's correctly saying i'm doing this as a default you guys should have been doing it yourselves. >> does congress need to do anything? >> oh, i think congress needs to do a lot, so much so that the fed needs to back off. bernanke said in his press conference today twice he worried he didn't have the tools to deal with the fiscal cliff if it came to pass. if the fiscal cliff came to pass it's a choice by our elected officials to have it come to pass.
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the fed said no we don't like that policy so we'll change it. i wonder if that's really his call. if we decide to do something dumb we've decided to do something dumb much it's not for the fed to say we'll protect you from yourself. he's creeping over an area for the fed that can be dicey. >> thanks very much to jim bianco. barney frank is in a feud with the log cabin republicans. it's a grass roots organization that backs lbgt rights. frank is openly gay and he is married now and recently criticized the group for its support of the gop. so here's what frank originally said and why he stands by what was a very controversial comment. >> i now understand why they call themselves the log cabin republicans, their role model is uncle tom. >> we reached out to them. they were very upset by that comparison you made to uncle tom.
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they said your denial of log cabin republicans success particularly on don't-ask, don't-tell is surprising. it is time for him to pass on the baton to leaders better suited to a world where equality is not an issue. >> they explained they are very pleased because mr. ryan, representative ryan is willing to engage with them and the republicans have not been calling us as many names. when you accept an inferior status for people who want to give you and inferior status but say that's okay, they won't call me names that's the spirit of uncle tom. >> log cabin republicans let us know today they have not yet endorsed mitt romney. next, imagine living your life and never having to worry about time. with all that's happened in the middle east and with the man who lost his life serving his country, it made us think deeply about how we spend every minute. that's next. ♪
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this week, the violence in the middle east and the death of nfrl pooch innocent people that
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had dedicated their lives to making a difference in the world is making us all reflect on how we live, whether we are subpoenaing our lives how we should, doing the jobs we should. this is something best selling author, mitch albom thinks a lot about. his new book is called "the time keeper." also, the author of "tuesdays with maury." your book is number one on the best seller list. this week, america has been riveted with these attacks across north africa and broadly in the middle east. we have heard a lot about ambassador chris stevens. he was dedicated with every part of his soul and heart. your book is about making the most of your life, every minute of it. it sort of seems like chris stevens is someone you are talking about. >> it seems we are so infatuated with time and going faster and living longer and being more efficient but not always making the time count. everybody i know is less happy and living longer. he seemed like someone who was doing something he loved. this book i wrote "the time keeper" is sort of like a
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parable, a fable like the five people you meet in heaven. simple concept. father time, being the first person that invented time many, many years ago and he is sort of punished for starting to count his time. when we count time, we begin to count our time down. he ends up coming to earth in our time here. i am in a news channel where everything goes so rocket fast. >> every second is counted. >> exactly. he sort of has to teach two people, a young person and an old person, what the true meaning of time is. i think the true meaning of time has a lot more to do with making the hours count than counting the hours. which is what we do a lot of. >> when we think about chris stevens, he tied in the middle, didn't get accomplished what he wanted to accomplish. he sounded like he was the sort of person that if he was going to die, he would want to die doing what he loved. >> yeah.
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>> sometimes when you think about it, i hear about him and i don't know that everybody can say that. most of us might not be able to say that. in a sense, he was a very blessed man. >> i learned that at maury schwartz' side when i was writing "tuesdays with morie," there is an exchange in the book where father time is talking to an old man that wants to freeze himself and come back and live another 100 years. he says, no, there is a reason that your time is limited on earth. he says, what's the reason? the answer is to make each day precious. it is the beautiful equation of life. if we had forever to live, nothing would matter. we would never have to make a choice as to what we do with our time. because our days are limited, it is how you choose to spend your time that determines the quality of your life. you could live 100 years and do absolutely nothing worthwhile or you can live 38 or 40 or 15 or whatever and impact the world. i think it has to do with how you are going to choose to spend your time. >> and appreciating it. >> one of the things that inspired you to write this book
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was spending time with people that don't have anything in the way of material possessions in haiti. >> yeah. after the eartha quake, i got involved with an orphanage down there, and eventually, we tookory the operations. i know go once a month for three or four days. it is amazing. the watch comes off, no cell phones or computers, just children that want to eat, want to be loved, want to learn. you have no idea what time it is. there are parts of the world that don't go at the frenetic pace we live at here in america. it's a food reminder. >> you write about spiritual things but not from a religious perspective. you have described yourself as secular. the attacks have been about religion. how does your book apply to people whose most important fight is for religion, killing for it, buying for it? >> i wrote a book previously "have a little faith."
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they say, religion is not meant to spread hate. and people who do, they aren't practicing faith, they are practicing hate. at the core of all religions truly practiced is love. if you can get to that, then you won't end up seeing this violence. people can do a lot of things in the name of. that doesn't mean it is being done purely and honestly. i think faith is a very good thing when practiced purely. they have more things in common than different. people have to see the world that way. >> mitch, thanks very much. great to see you. perfect. a person with the right perspective on all of that. thanks for your time. ahead, mcdonald's. a big change, but does it add up? [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain.
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